HSA Calculators

HSA Calculators


Peg Balance Opportunity Cost Calculator

It's common for HSA providers to require maintaining a balance in a checking account. This is an opportunity cost in the form of decreasing the amount of money in your investment account, and thus your potential to earn interest on that money. Estimate the cost below with the compound interest formula.

${{principal | format}} × (1 + {{rateDecimal}}) {{time}} − ${{principal | format}} = ${{result | format}}

HSA Tax Savings - State & Federal

Play around with these calculators from Lively, HSA Bank and Benefit Wallet to discover how much money you can save in taxes with a HSA.


Future Value of HSA Investments

Use this calculator from Lively to project how much money you can accumulate in a HSA over time.


HSA Contribution Amounts

HSA contribution limits are determined on a calendar/tax-year basis. IRS rules state that contribution limits must generally be prorated by the number of months you are eligible to contribute to an HSA. Your eligibility is based on your coverage status on the first day of the month. Use these calculators HSA Bank and HealthSavings to determine how much you are eligible to contribute to your HSA, as well as how much you should contribute each paycheck to reach the contribution maximum.